A breakthrough in insecticide technology, Rockwell Labs’ new EcoVia MT and EC formulations provide effective control without major risk to pollinators and without label restrictions. 

For lawn care professionals, sports turf managers, and golf superintendents, they are products that give their pyrethroid insecticides the kick they need to combat resistance and, when used alone as short-term residual products, protect bees and other pollinators without sacrificing knockdown and repellency of target insects.

Benefits of EcoVia

EcoVia’s botanical insecticides are a powerful tool for resistance management when combined with pyrethroid products. They all include several botanical oils, each of which contain several active ingredients and were chosen for their efficacy against insects. These ingredients have different modes of action (when combined properly) that break through the acquired resistance of roaches, flies, and other insects that have built a tolerance to synthetic pesticides.

Label restrictions are not a worry—they don’t exist. EcoVia products don’t accumulate in groundwater, so professionals can spray on impervious surfaces when necessary. In addition to minimal site use restrictions, use notifications are not required in most states. As of January 2024, 21 states require notification before treating some properties, but EPA minimum risk 25(b) pesticides like EcoVia products are often exempt, so applicators can inspect and treat in one go after checking if the exemption applies in their state.

EcoVia botanicals pose minimal risk to pollinators since they don’t bioaccumulate. After the vapor phase occurs, it will repel pollinators from visiting treated plants while the treatment is active. 

While the products keep pollinators safe, that doesn’t mean it goes easy on the mosquitoes or other insects applicators are aiming to get rid of. The EcoVia line has been real-world tested and provides quick knockdown and kill of those pests and delivers true repellency via vapor action. Plus,  with no water setback restrictions, EcoVia products are safe and ready to be fogged over water and up to the water’s edge, a favorite spot for mosquitoes to hang out.

EcoVia MT and EcoVia EC

Both of EcoVia’s newer botanical products provide quick knockdown and residual protection but are slightly different. EcoVia MT is specifically formulated to kill/repel mosquitoes and ticks, while EcoVia EC provides a broader-spectrum control. Besides that minor difference, EcoVia MT and EC both provide a lot of the same benefits.

EcoVia EC

  • Provides broad-spectrum control of a wide range of insects.
  • Contains thyme oil, 2-phenylethyl propionate, and rosemary oil.
  • Labeled for both indoor and outdoor uses, including turf & ornamentals, recreational areas, and golf courses.

Applying EcoVia EC

For general insect control, including flying insects, dilute EcoVia EC at 1 to 2 fluid ounces per gallon per thousand square feet. Use a lower rate for maintenance service and higher rates for active infestations. 

For stinging insects, use the same rate as above and apply to their nest(s) during the early morning or late evening hours, which is when the population will be highest. Use higher rates for stinging insects.

When used in a tank mix, EcoVia EC should be mixed with water or oil and applied with an approved piece of equipment (see label). Add about half of the required amount of water or oil to the tank, then add the correct amount of product, then agitate, and then add the remaining water or oil. EcoVia EC only needs light agitation after dilution.

EcoVia MT

  • Provides quick kill control and residual repellency protection from mosquitoes and ticks.
  • Contains soybean oil, clove oil, citronella oil, 2-phenylethyl propionate, and lemongrass.
  • Labeled for use outdoors on shrubbery, trees, grassy areas, ground cover, and other heavy vegetation/damp shaded areas.

Applying EcoVia MT

To control adult mosquitoes, dilute EcoVia MT at 0.33-0.66 fluid ounces per gallon in enough water to cover one thousand square feet and apply until the area is thoroughly wet. Then, apply every 30 days or as needed.

To control ticks, dilute EcoVia MT at 0.33 to 0.66 fluid ounces per gallon in enough water to cover one thousand square feet. Use up to one fluid ounce for Lone Star and larger ticks. Apply until the area is thoroughly wet, then apply every 30 days or as needed.

To control flies, dilute EcoVia MT at 0.33-1.0 fluid ounces per gallon in enough water to cover one thousand square feet and apply until the area is thoroughly wet.

When used in a tank mix, add about half of the required amount of water to the tank, then add the correct amount of product, then agitate, and then add the remaining water. Like EC, EcoVia MT only needs light agitation once it has been diluted.

Establishing Control

For insect control, you can browse the Rockwell Labs EcoVia line, which uses natural botanicals to eliminate all types of insects, including mosquitoes and ticks. With EcoVia EC and EcoVia MT, insects won’t stand a chance.

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