Our newest Employee Spotlight features two great employees from our Louisville, Kentucky location. Let’s get to know Braxton Miller and Brad Nevitt.

Braxton Miller
Louisville, KY Warehouse Manager
Employee Since 2013

Braxton’s interest in the turf industry began by helping his father with lawn care each summer growing up. He later earned a turfgrass degree from Western Kentucky University, while playing as a defensive back, linebacker, and running back on the university’s football team. Before becoming the Louisville, Kentucky Warehouse Manager at ATS, Braxton worked on a golf course.

What is your favorite part of your job?
Learning is my favorite part of my job, and I definitely learn something new every day. For example, just with all our products, I’ve learned a lot. I am very thankful for this position and the people who helped me and taught me the things I needed to know for it.

Who is your hero?
I have three heroes: my mom, dad, and cousin. My mom and dad got me where I am today and I am very proud of them for this. I admire my cousin because he is an expert on building motors and I have always wanted to learn how to do that.

If you had an unlimited shopping spree at only one, single store, which store would you choose?
I would choose Cabelas. I love all the hunting, guns and outdoor stuff. Sitting out in the trees and woods is calming and fun. The most expensive item I would buy on the shopping spree would be some kind of very expensive gun.

What’s something you’ve done that is important to you?
Graduating college. I was the first in my family to do so.

Where is your favorite place to be?
My favorite place to be is my childhood home and farm in Stanford, KY. The farm has 30 acres on it and lots of cattle. It’s comforting to take care of the chores on the farm.

If you could possess a superpower, what superhero’s superpower would you want?
I would possess the Hulk’s super strength. He has his super strength when he needs it, but he is also a calm and nice guy when he doesn’t need it.

What cool hobby do you participate in?
I drag race Camaros. It’s a big rush to go really fast on a quarter-mile track. The fastest I have gone is 120 mph.

Brad Nevitt
ATS Sales Representative, KY
Employee Since 2009

Brad joined the turf industry when he attended Western Kentucky University and achieved a Bachelor’s Degree in Golf Course Management. After receiving his degree, he worked as an assistant superintendent at a few golf clubs. His next step in the industry led him to sales, and he has been in sales for 13 years.

What is your favorite part of your job?
The relationships are my favorite part. I not only get to create professional relationships with customers, but I also get to create friendships.

What is one thing you are proud of?
I am proud of my two sons. Watching them grow and change from day-to-day is amazing. I have many fond memories of the boys doing our favorite things together: spending time out in boats on lakes, hunting, and fishing.

What would your family and friends say is your best quality?
They would say that I am laid back and not a lot of things bother me.

If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do?
I would haunt people in a friendly way to joke with them. Maybe make things look like they were floating around to freak them out.

Are you a hugger or a non-hugger?
I am between a hugger and a non-hugger actually. I will not just hug anyone, so, I am not a hugger unless I am hugging family. If they are family, I cannot hug them enough.

If you could give one gift to your children, what would it be?
I would give them patience. This world needs more patience and people who have more time to think and not overreact.

What’s the worst-tasting thing you have ever eaten?
Skunk-flavored jellybeans. I used to play a game with the Harry Potter Bertie Bott’s flavored beans with my boys where we would pick out two beans that looked close to the same and eat them. Two that looked alike were the skunk and liquorish-flavored jelly beans and I played that game with those and got the skunk flavor.