Advanced Turf Solutions in Northern Illinois and Wisconsin operates as ProGro Solutions. Their employees represent ATS in the best possible ways, offering smart service solutions. Let’s get to know two great employees, Mike Werth and Nelson Martinez.

Mike Werth
ProGro Employee Since 2012

Mike is a sales representative for ProGro. His territory covers Northwest Illinois, and Central and Southern Wisconsin. Mike’s interest in the green industry began at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, where he received a degree in soil science. After receiving his degree, he became an assistant superintendent and superintendent at two golf courses. Following his career on golf courses, he began his career in sales and started at ProGro four years ago.

What is your favorite part of your job?
“Getting to see the diverse range of golf courses throughout my territory. Also, it is great to be able to keep up relationships with my friends in the golf industry.”

What has been your favorite life experience so far?
“Having kids. Watching my daughters grow up into lovely young adults and getting to enjoy all their sports experiences has been fun.”

Who is your favorite person?
“My wife is my favorite person. She’s a great mom to my kids and is very hardworking and caring. We’ve been married for 23 years and I’ve loved every moment.”

What is your favorite thing to do?
“I love to go fishing. I once caught a 41” Northern in Canada. It had been one of the hottest days of the summer up there and I actually went fishing to catch another type of fish. It took me 20 minutes to finally get that Northern in the boat.”

Where is your favorite vacation spot?
“My favorite vacation spot is Jackson Hole, Wyoming. There is a big ski resort there, with a small town feel, which I like. The ski terrain is rugged and challenging.”

What do you feel natural at?
“I would say I feel natural at downhill skiing. When I first started skiing, I caught onto it quick.”

Do you prefer the aisle seat or window seat?
“I prefer the aisle seat. It gives more legroom.”

Nelson Martinez
ProGro Employee Since 2012

Nelson has 20 years of experience in the green industry, working as a member of warehouse support and a driver. He began as a driver with a distributor serving local areas, and then moved into serving Wisconsin, Michigan, and Ohio. He started working as a driver for ProGro four years ago and is currently training to become the Assistant Manager of our Elk Grove Village, IL, warehouse.

What is your favorite part of the job?
“The whole aspect of getting to learn new things and developing while on the job is my favorite part. I did not know anything about the golf industry until I starting working here and now I do. Also, communicating with the sales team and working through the busy springtime are also parts of my job I enjoy.”

What is your favorite food?
“I am half Puerto Rican and half Italian, so I have favorite foods from both sides. From the Puerto Rican side, my favorite food is pork and rice. From the Italian side, my favorite food is tortellini.”

What do you love to do?
“I love to spend time with my 22-year-old daughter, Desiree. We spend lots of time together – from going on vacations, to watching sports, to shopping. The time we have spent together has created many great experiences and memories.”

Do you have any interesting collections?
“I have a large collection of Michael Jordan tennis shoes. I have been collecting them since I was 13 or 14, so I have some shoes from the early 80’s. The Retro 5 is my favorite Michael Jordan shoe. I also have a unique motorcycle. The motorcycle is painted in the colors of the Michael Jordan racing team.”

What is a movie you have watched over and over?
“Scarface. The ending of the movie is my favorite.”

What is your favorite quote?
“‘Who do I trust? Me!’ I have a poster in my bedroom that quotes this from Scarface. It is definitely my favorite quote.”

Are you a serious-minded person or a jokester?
“I am a serious-minded person. While I can joke and play, I am serious most of the time.”