Our company is full of great employees, who go the extra mile for our customers. The two employees selected for the May 2016 Employee Spotlight are no exception. Let’s get to know, Jim Stoller and Sam White.

Jim Stoller
Employee Since 2010

Jim Stoller has 20 years of experience as a farmer and nursery grower. He started out as the primary driver at the Elkhart warehouse location and then found a great fit as the warehouse manager.

What do you like best about working at ATS?
“I love working with my colleagues and the family atmosphere here. We are like a big family, and we all really do care for each other.”

Who has made the biggest impact on you?
“My Grandpa Stoller, my father Harry, and my wife Jane have had the biggest influence on me. My grandpa and my father were good examples of how to live life. Both taught me the value of hard work, self-motivation, being honest, always doing what’s right, and caring about family and others. They also taught me to not take shortcuts, and give it my best every day.”

“My wife and I have been married for 29 happy years. She has taught me that life is not always seen in black and white, but can be seen in beautiful shades of grey.”

What do you consider your best qualities?
“I am driven, highly motivated, greet each day as a new adventure, and, at the end of the day, I give it my best.”

What spells adventure for you?
“Getting on my customized, 2009 Harley Street Glide and going for a ride. In August each year, my son and I take a 5-7 day ride.”

What is one of your favorite summer activities?
“Visiting small town taverns. There is just something unique and neat about small towns. They always have something memorable about them and the atmosphere is great. You can see the history of the Midwest inside each small town, and the food is always good.”

Which do you prefer: the hustle and bustle of city life or the quiet and serenity of country life?
“I love the country and I grew up in the country. It’s peaceful. I do love the place I live in now, though. It has a little wood behind the house and you cannot see the neighbors because of all the green plant life. It’s like enjoying a little peace of heaven on earth.”

sam white

Sam White
Employee Since 2007

Sam White’s current role at ATS involves driving, picking orders, assisting in the warehouse, and helping customers. However, before working at ATS, Sam already had 6 years of experience in that same role at another company. He also has expertise in installing carpet, tile, and wood flooring.

What do you like best about working at ATS?
“I like the people best. I knew Roy Smith and Christine Able before I began at Advanced Turf Solutions. I’ve known Roy about 15 years and Christine for about 8 years and I have enjoyed each year with them.”

What real person, dead or alive, do you wish you could be more like?
“I wish I could be more like my dad. He was a hard worker and a real good guy. I felt his influence on me as I grew from a child into an adult.  My favorite memories of my dad involve bass and trout fishing with him on his large houseboat on the lakes I grew up on.”

What’s one accomplishment that gives you great satisfaction?
“Holding onto a job my entire life. I’ve worked all my life and I’ve never been without a job for more than a week.”

Where’s your perfect dream spot vacation?
“Hawaii would be my dream spot vacation. I would love to sightsee as much of the islands as I could and see a volcano.”

What is your favorite style of music, and how often do you listen to it?
“My favorite style of music is rock, and I love Pearl Jam. I grew up in the 60s and 70s when rock was big and I have seen a lot of concerts over the years, especially in Memphis and Knoxville.”

What room in your house is your favorite?
“My TV room is my favorite room in my house. It has my 55-inch big screen in it and it is big enough for my friends to hang out in and watch sports.”