For a healthy and green turf, treat your lawn with Foliar-Pak 30-0-0 and Foliar-Pak A.S. Fusion 7-0-0.

Everyone knows that the dry, hot days of summer can do a number on the turf. Combat Mother Nature with these four simple tips.

1. Mow High  

Short mowed turfgrass equals shallow roots. Higher mowed turfgrass allows for long deeper roots. Deeper roots allow the turfgrass to find moisture even during the hottest days.

2. Fertilize  

I recommend fertilizing every 6-8 weeks. This will keep a balanced source of nutrients in the soil.

3. Choose Heat-Tolerant Turfgrass Types  

It might be time to consider changing to a more heat-tolerant turfgrass. Turfsaver RTF is a unique blend of turf-type tall fescues. It has the ability to spread with rhizomes and is very deep-rooted and heat tolerant.

4. Water Deep  

Most people think they should water every day. The best practice is to water deeper and less often allowing the roots to grow deeper. Short roots will result in the turf starting to show signs of stress. I like to see 1-1.5 inches of water per week, very early in the morning.

Contact your Advanced Turf Solution sales rep for help keeping your lawn green this summer.