1. Improve playability

Eliminate the chances of bad bounces and player footing/cutting by identifying and prioritizing problem areas.

2. Field safety

Save yourself from hidden dangers or liabilities. An evaluation can tell if a baseball field is not level before the unsafe conditions cause harm to a player.

3. Find solutions to unknown challenges

Evaluations give fresh perspectives on fields and may allow you to find a problem you did not know existed. Unknown to you, your pitcher’s mound might be too high. An evaluation can catch this.

4. Learn best practices for maintaining your unique field

Evaluations are tailored to your field, which allows you to gain insight into what’s happening now. This knowledge can prevent future problems and provide the best playing surface possible.

5. Efficiently utilize your resources and maintenance budget

Using the correct amount of products will save you money. Evaluations will show if you are using the right amount.

home plate view of baseball field with puddles and grass
Above: Field before a field evaluation.
landscape view of Field Eval
Above: Field after a field evaluation.

At ATS, we strive to upgrade the sports turf profession overall, so everyone can benefit. To do this, we are now offering FREE field evaluations. Our Athletic Field Specialists, will ask you questions, look at all aspects of your field and maintenance practices, and offer you the right solutions for your specific needs – all for free and without any pressure of purchasing products.

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