The days are getting shorter, the nights longer and the temperatures are falling. Before we know it, our lawn care season will be done.

If you want healthy turf next spring, make sure your turf gets a great, well-deserved rest with these tips before winter sets in.

Core Aeration

  • During the warm months, turf becomes compacted from mowing, foot traffic, and hot temperatures. Aerating your turf will break up the compacted soil, allowing nutrients, air, and water to penetrate to the grassroots. The roots will be able to expand, giving you a healthier and thicker lawn next season. Aerating will also result in fewer weeds next season and give your turf the ability to become more weed resistant.


  • Overseeding will increase your lawn’s volume and give seedlings more time to become established. It will also help diminish the chances of finding weeds later. Make sure the seeds can get good contact with the soil.

Shorter Cuts While Mowing

  • Your final cut should be at a lower height than an in-season cut. By cutting your lawn shorter in late fall, you will help to prevent moisture build up and stop diseases, like snow mold, from developing later.

Leaf Removal

  • Make sure all leaves are mulched and removed. Leaves left lying on top of the turf can suffocate it.


  • A late fall feeding with a quick-release, high-nitrogen fertilizer is a must. It will promote root development and help the lawn to store energy reserves. The feeding will also help the cool season lawns keep their color longer.
  • The results from a late fall feeding can be seen next spring and summer with an earlier green up, thicker turf, and a higher tolerance to spring disease, such as red thread. This application should be done after the last mow, but while the grass is still green. A quick-release nitrogen, such as 34-0-4 All Mineral or 46-0-0, are an ideal product for this last feeding. The application rate for this feeding should be .5 to 1 pound of nitrogen per 1000 square feet. Both of these products can be found at your local ATS location.