Mark Kastenholz Superintendant of the Tipton Municipal Golf Course fought through five floods in 2011.  The standing water left by the floods created large areas of thin and damaged turf to his fairways that required extensive reseeding.

After analyzing the unusual forecast for the week of January 9th, 2012 Mark called me, Greg Spencer (Custom Application Specialist) to see if the ATS Custom Application Truck could spread fertilizer on his damaged fairways. Mark commented, “I may not be able to get fertilizer equipment out here in the spring because of our flooding. I need to take advantage of this opportunity to get fertility on the surviving plants and seedlings; I knew I needed to pull the trigger when the opportunity presented itself, that’s why I early ordered the product. I need as much recovery as I can quickly get come spring.”

Unfortunately, the ATS Custom Application truck was down for winter maintenance.  Luckily, I was able to coordinate with ATS partner J&D Turf to use their equipment to spread fertilizer on Mark’s fairways. In fact, J&D Turf associate Ryan Kaspitzki even jumped at the opportunity to help one of our customers, commenting, “I’m just glad to be working outside on such an unusually nice day in the middle of January.”

We’re definitely fortunate Mother Nature granted us these exceptional conditions.  I hope you were all able to take advantage of them as well.