Thirty years ago, when I first started calling on golf courses, one of my favorite superintendents had a particular date circled on every calendar in his shop. The date “Dave” had circled was August 15th. After a few sales calls, I asked “Dave” what the significance of August 15th was (Anniversary? Birthday?). He said to me, “Well, my friend, let me tell you. August 15th is a magical date in a superintendent’s life. That is when things start to get easier. The daylight hours are shorter, nighttime temperatures are a lot cooler, and any high temperatures during the day do not last as long. Also, misplaced turf can recover during this time (Dave always said grass was never lost just misplaced), seeding can start and aerification is just around the corner.”

So, continue to vent your greens to allow them to breath and take a deep breath yourself. August 15th is just around the corner.