To paraphrase Gilbert, from the Incredibles, “a company is like a clock. It only works if the little cogs mesh together.” But, what does this have to do with our August spotlight employees? Well, both employees help keep the cogs of our company meshed together and working with all the work they do. From keeping our communication tools running, like our computers, email, and phones, to keeping the lights on, these two employees keep the company clock running. Let’s meet them.

Morgan Schulz

Morgan Schulz, Employee Since 2011

Morgan has been the technology specialist at ATS for 4 years. Before working at ATS, he was an IT consultant for four years and a software trainer previous to that. He manages all the communications within the company as well as supporting the technology needs of the general and administrative staff, operations and sales. Morgan also oversees the IT projects at ATS.

What do you like most about your job?
“I like the variety my job provides. Everyday brings something new and challenging.”

How would you describe yourself?
“I’m a problem solver. IT is pretty much the perfect field for a guy like me.”

Where can we find you when you are not working?
“Jumping on the trampoline with my kids, or out running. Running is how I decompress from work. I do half-marathons, mud runs, obstacle courses, and even a zombie run or two.”

Name three things on your bucket list.
“1. Visiting Alaska. We camp a lot and I like the outdoors. It would be great to run trails there.
2. Being a contestant on American Ninja Warrior, and hopefully not embarrassing myself.
3. Having a vegetable garden. I like the idea of spending my days in the yard growing food, instead of an office.”

If you were a flavor of ice cream, what one would you be?
“Mint chocolate because I am cool and refreshing.”


Penny Biddle, Employee Since 2012

Penny has been working in accounts payable at ATS for 3 years. However, she has a lot of experience working in that field. For several years, she worked for Dominos and Marsh, managing their books. With the Dominos job, she actually managed the books for Dominos restaurants all over Northern Indiana.

What do you like most about your job?
“The family atmosphere. ATS is like a big family and everyone is willing to help you when you need it. Working here feels natural and is comfortable because my fellow colleagues are welcoming and caring.”

What is your favorite hobby?
“My favorite hobby is gardening. I love flowers and I love that every day I get to go home after work and walk through my flower garden to relax. (Daisies are my favorite flower; their beautiful blooms last for such a long time).”

Tell us about a time in your life you will never forget.
“I will never forget my wedding day. I have been married for 35 years and I am grateful I have spent those years with my soul mate.”

What is your biggest addiction?
“Family is my biggest addiction. Every Tuesday night, I have family over for dinner and it makes me smile from ear-to-ear.”

Tell us an interesting fact about yourself.
“I used to be a ballerina in the Worthington Civic Ballet Company. I traveled with the company and some of my performances were televised.”