Before seed is even placed in the soil, the most crucial part of turfgrass establishment occurs. Choosing the correct species of turf is essential for long-term success. A mixture of turfgrasses is usually best unless an area is maintained at a very high level. For these conditions, having other grasses in mixtures is acceptable. Perennial ryegrass is often placed into blends due to its quick germination. The chosen mixture should consist of a majority of the grasses listed below. Use the information below as a starting point, but please remember every situation may be different.

Full Sun Without Irrigation

Tall fescue is quick to establish and deep-rooting, staying green without irrigation longer than the other grasses. Kentucky bluegrass cultivars, which have been adapted for drought conditions, are also an excellent choice. The grass will go dormant without water present but can survive for a time while in a dormant state.

Full Sun With Irrigation

Tall fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, and perennial ryegrass will perform well under full sun and irrigation.

Shade Without Irrigation

Fine fescue is the best choice, with tall fescue coming in second place. Be warned. These grasses do not blend well together. So, for perfection, select one grass or the other. Kentucky bluegrass can survive in this condition also because the areas will frequently go from wet to dry. Note: Choose Kentucky bluegrass varieties that are not susceptible to powdery mildew.

Shade With Irrigation

Kentucky bluegrass, fine fescue, tall fescue, and perennial ryegrass are all excellent choices. Be careful not to over-irrigate. Grasses will develop roots and become prone to disease.

Traffic Considerations

Tall fescue, like RTF, and Kentucky bluegrass, like 365 SS and HGT, are the best options for high-traffic areas. RPR ryegrass is also a good selection and blends well with the above types of grasses.

Advanced Turf Solutions carries a complete seed line from several seed producers to make sure we have the best selection and quality of turfgrass possible. Contact your local representative for more detailed recommendations for each situation.