It’s that time of year. The time when the work slows down because your help went back to school. Wouldn’t that be nice? Somehow we all figure out how to do more with less.

This is the time of year that we need to get the most out of everything we do. Aerification takes what labor you still have away from regular course maintenance. This is a great opportunity to try one of our ArmorTech growth regulators to control the areas that you don’t have as much time to maintain. It could turn out to be one of the best fall employees you have.

We have all heard the moans and groans about aerified greens (like we do it just to mess with golfers). ATS can help shorten that period. This is a great opportunity to try our extensive line of Foliar-Pak nutrients. Our Foliar-Pak line can help provide solutions! If you have not used our Foliar Pak nutrients ask your ATS turf consultant how he/she can help you talk your course into recovering from the beating you just gave it.

This picture shows a treated section of the fairway coming up to a green in comparison to the untreated fairway. It was taken 21 days after spraying Foliar-Pak Promote @ 3 oz, Foliar-Pak 14-2-4 @ 5 oz, Foliar-Pak L-18 Activator @ 1.5 oz, and Holganix @ 7 oz.

As this year is coming to close, let us do our part to help the soil and plant be the healthiest it can be this fall. By doing this we will all be healthier, both physically and meta-physically (thanks Si). ATS continues to bring you great new options for you and your course. Let us help!