With the past two stressful summers and the current hot, dry conditions we are experiencing I have had numerous conversations with lawn care and athletic field customers on their concern of fertilizing under these conditions.

Last week, I had a lawn care client tell me he was going to skip this next round of fertilizer on all of his customers because he had a fear of burning.  He had heard a lot of so called experts preach “don’t fertilizer in hot, dry weather.”  I explained to him that revenue would be very hard to make up and that fertilizing in the hot “dog days” of summer is beneficial and can be done right.  It all comes down to the analysis being used.  Low nitrogen fertilizers containing 50% slow release or more and applied at 0.5 to 0.75 lbs of N will not cause any problems.  In fact, having that fertilizer down and waiting for moisture allows for a quicker recovery and green up.

Advanced Turf Solutions has several fertilizer analysis I deem safe for hot weather applications.

The ATS line of organic fertilizers from Nature Safe, Nutrients Plus and Sanctuary are always good “safe” hot weather choices.  For more information on your fertilizer needs please contact your ATS representative.  Thank you for your business, trust and friendship!

Best Regards,