Here are some do’s and don’ts to keep in mind as you plan your approach to Poa annua control this year.


  • Thin out the tree canopy if possible because Poa annua thrives in shady areas.
  • Make your first Proxy application in late fall.
  • Consider combining your late fall application with a fungicide for snow mold control.
  • Aerate to prevent soil compaction, which encourages Poa annua growth.
  • Make another application three to four weeks after your late-winter application.
  • Add Signature XTRA Stressgard or Fiata Stressgard to your fall and spring applications for improved turf color and quality.


  • Don’t make your fall application before your last mowing.
  • Don’t wait too long to make a late winter application (as early as February 1, depending on the weather).
  • Don’t mow shorter than you need to because Poa annua thrives at low mowing heights.
  • Don’t overdo your nitrogen inputs and accidentally fertilize unwanted Poa annua.
  • Don’t add Proxy to a tank mix before other products (except Signature XTRA Stressgard) because it reduces the spray tank pH.
  • Don’t hesitate to call your sales representative with any questions you have about Poa annua control this year!