This spring we welcomed two new people to our sports turf team, and we would like to introduce them to you in our latest employee spotlight. So let’s get to know Dan Jennings and Brent Amann.

Dan Jennings headshot

Dan Jennings joined our team as a sports turf sales representative in Michigan. He has extensive experience from past positions with Diamond Pro, the Great Lake Loons (Head Groundskeeper), Texas Rangers (Assistant Groundskeeper), and the Dayton Dragons (Director of Grounds). Dan attended Northwood University, where he studied Accounting and Business Economy and is a graduate of Michigan State with a Sports and Commercial Turfgrass Certificate.

How would you describe yourself?

I would describe myself as a person that is passionate about natural grass fields. When I’m not fighting against plastic turf fields, I enjoy moments with my family and a little golf.

What’s something you’ve done that is important to you?

A few moments in my life that I’ll always remember would be having the opportunity to work MLB All-Star games, World Series games, and Little League World Series games. Another moment I’ll always remember is when you’ve worked hard all day to prep your field and you look back to see all the hard work prior to each team taking the field.

What player (past or present) from your favorite sport would you like to meet?

I’ve always looked up to players who have shown class on and off the field, players like Greg Maddux and Nolan Ryan are great examples.

What is a movie you’ve watched over and over?

Saving Private Ryan and Sully are a few of my favorite movies. Both of these movies show heroic moments when a single person or group had to become courageous to save others in very tough situations. Pretty amazing what can be achieved when your back is against the wall.

What is your favorite food?

I’ve always enjoyed great meals, but if I had to pick one meal, it would be a grilled to medium rare T-bone steak with garlic mashed potatoes.

Here are a few photos of fields Dan has prepped for play:

Welcome to the 2014 ALCS sign at baseball field

two gentleman watering the field

aerial view of baseball field

Brent Amann headshot

Brent Amann is our sports turf sales representative in Wisconsin. Brent brings over 25 years of experience in a variety of positions including golf course superintendent, property maintenance, construction site management, territory sales management, and account management. He is a graduate of Michigan State University with a Turfgrass Management Degree.

Who is your hero?

I don’t have one specific hero. When I think of a hero, I think of a person who makes a difference in the lives of others. There are so many everyday people who are giving of themselves to help others. That is the kind of person I want to be. But if I had to pick one specific person, it would definitely be my wife. She fits that description very well!

What is your favorite quote?

“And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.” -Abraham Lincoln

A great quote from a great man. It is so important to remember that every day counts in your life. It is a great reminder to use your time to do great things and not waste it. Live life to the fullest and try to make a positive difference to those around you.

Do you have any interesting collections?

My most interesting collection is a collection of crosses & crucifixes that we have hanging on the wall in our family room. Each one has a very special meaning for our family. We bring them back from our trips or get one to signify a special event in our lives. The crosses are from all over the world, and my favorites include two crosses from Ethiopia, the homeland of two of our sons. It’s amazing to look up at the wall and remember a wonderful vacation or a special person who gifted a cross to us.

Where is your favorite place to be?

My favorite place to be is anywhere with my family. My wife and I have one daughter and three sons, and I love to hang out with them. Whether it be attending one of their sporting events (most of the time) or just hanging at home (not very often), I love to be with them.  

Name one prized possession and why is it prized?

I don’t like to think of them as my possession, but the thing that means the most to me are my children. They are the best prize a guy could ever ask for!

Name three things on your bucket list.

  1. Travel to Scotland and go golfing. I have always wanted to play where the game originated.
  2. Travel to the Maldives with my wife. We love to travel to beautiful beaches, and the beautiful white sand beaches of the Maldives would be amazing.
  3. Travel to Yellowstone National Park and stay at the Old Faithful Inn.
  4. Brent Amann taking a portrait with his family