Marcus Dean joined Advanced Turf in the fall of 2018 as sports turf sales representative in Kentucky and Tennessee. Marcus was previously the Sports Turf Manager at the University of Kentucky for the past 8 years. He also holds a Bachelor of Science in Plant and Soil Science with an emphasis in Turfgrass Management from the University of Kentucky and is a Certified Sports Field Manager. Let’s get to know more about Marcus in our latest employee spotlight.

What is your favorite holiday?

The fourth of July because the weather is warm and the whole country celebrates.

Who is your hero?

My hero would probably be my dad because of how hard he worked in life to give us what we had. He worked at GE for 38 years and was also a tobacco and beef farmer. His dedication to work is where I get my work ethic from.

Where can we find you when you are not working?

When I’m not working, you can find me doing something with my family. I despise idle time, I need something going on at all times.

If you had an unlimited shopping spree at one, single store, which store would you choose?

If I had an unlimited shopping spree it probably would be at a gun store.

What do you consider your best qualities?

My best qualities are the ability to listen and to defuse hostile situations.