It is time to consider fall herbicide applications. While it is difficult to control broadleaf weeds in the summer, the fall provides a window of opportunity to gain the upper hand.

Summer herbicide applications are likely to burn down the top growth of many broadleaf weeds but, in some cases, are not effective at killing the entire plant. During the summer months, the weeds are focused on top growth. Conversely, in the fall, the plant “switches” to focusing on storing energy in the root system. Because of this “switch,” plants become more susceptible to fall herbicide applications.

Ideally, you want to apply herbicides on sunny days when rain is not forecasted for 24 hrs. Overcast days and rainfall can reduce the effectiveness of the application. You want to allow for the herbicide to dry on the surfaces of the leaf. By applying herbicides in the fall, it will lead to the reduction and possibly elimination of the broadleaf weed population next season.

If you have aeration and seeding work on the schedule, it is recommended to perform a blanket broadleaf weed control application with a three-way herbicide 10-14 days before seeding. Reducing the weed population reduces competition for the newly-emerging seed.

As with any pesticide application, always proper PPE and follow the label.

If you have any questions, your Advanced Turf rep can help!