There are many insecticides on the market, but for superintendents seeking to preventatively or curatively control white grubs and annual bluegrass weevil (ABW), one product stands out: Tetrino, by Envu.

Tetrino is an insecticide that offers season-long control of white grubs in just one application, and fast-acting, systemic control of ABW in all of its stages. Tetrino is also incredibly versatile, with applications possible from late April through August, depending on the target insect. In short, Tetrino is an excellent option for superintendents looking for a product adaptable to their application schedule, budget, and program needs.

How Tetrino Works and What It Controls

Tetrino‘s active ingredient, tetraniliprole (4.07%), is known for providing quick, effective control of surface-feeding insects. As a systemic, Tetrino moves through turfgrass plants via xylem distribution, causing target insects to cease feeding almost immediately. Uptake and translocation occur quickly, and Tetrino offers ample residual protection, too.

It’s effective against the toughest insects golf courses can encounter, including ABW, billbugs, fall armyworms, and white grubs. For the full list of controlled insects, see Tetrino’s label.

Application Guidelines

Tetrino offers a diamide-class chemistry that allows superintendents to time their application to fit their specific program, giving them the option of a preventative or early curative application (or both). When using Tetrino to control white grubs and ABW, consider the following recommendations for each.

For White Grubs

Apply 0.367–0.735 fluid ounces per thousand square feet in late June through early August—before eggs hatch and larvae begin to feed. While Tetrino offers season-long control of white grubs and can be applied within the label’s window, this timing will target larvae in their early growth stages when they are more susceptible. Tetrino should be watered into the soil if a rainfall event does not occur in a timely manner after application.

For Annual Bluegrass Weevil (ABW)

Apply 0.367–0.735 fluid ounces per thousand square feet for quick systemic control. Tetrino is best used against early instar larvae. Envu’s research has shown that making one application between late April and early June and then a second application during early to late July is effective against recently hatched ABW and second-generation eggs, respectively. Application timing can be based on phenological indicators, such as when rhododendron and Dogwood fully bloom. ABW applications do not need to be watered in.

Important Considerations

  • Use with caution, as beneficial insects may be harmed if they come into contact with Tetrino.
  • Tetrino is registered for use in the contiguous United States (except New York). Be sure to check local regulations if applicable.
  • Always follow label instructions and wear proper personal protective equipment when making applications.

Fast, Effective Grub and ABW Management

Tetrino’s quick, systemic activity and flexibility make it an excellent all-in-one insecticide solution—especially against hard-to-control insects. It is also a budget-friendly option that allows superintendents to protect more ground while spending less. To learn more about Tetrino and how to plan for insects on your course this season, reach out to your ATS rep.