Well, to most, this summer has flown by! That means its almost time for football season, cool, crisp nights, and campfires! It is also time for bermudagrass customers to start thinking about spring dead spot.

SDS can be devastating come spring when the bermudagrass is coming out of dormancy. The SDS fungus attacks the roots, rhizomes, and stolons in the fall and winter. Excessive nitrogen, low potassium inputs, excessive thatch, poor drainage, and soil compaction can encourage this disease and needs to be addressed.

Applications should be made when soil temperatures are between 60-80 degrees. Applying two applications in the fall are recommended and need to be watered in after application for best results. The following fungicides have shown excellent control when applied at labeled rates and timing. BASF’s Maxtima Fungicide, which is new to the market, has shown excellent control of SDS. PBI-Gordon’s Kabuto Fungicide has also shown excellent control of SDS. In conjunction with these two products, ArmorTech’s Teb 360 and Zoxy-T will control SDS when sprayed at labeled rates.

The timing of these sprays is very important, so remember:

  1. Know your soil temps.
  2. Make at least two applications of one of the products mentioned.
  3. Water in the application after spraying.