Wetting agents have become an excellent tool for superintendents to combat tough environmental conditions throughout the growing season. The technology has come a long way, and there are unique choices for every soil condition, whether you have sandy or heavier soil greens. On top of the plethora of wetting agent options, every superintendent has their own expectations of how they want the product to perform and what they want it to do.

Some want to move a lot of water, while some want to hold water. However, there is one common theme: waiting on spraying when a correction is needed. Unfortunately, once problem areas become visual, root and plant health have already been compromised.

Early season applications can maintain plant health gained through the spring as well as increase root depth and help avoid chasing the problems through the stress months. Moving your program up a month can make a significant impact on playing surfaces in the summer months. Adding an early-season penetrant application is an economical way to bridge spring into your summer program. It will also aid in keeping your surfaces firm during the spring rainy season.

Adding an early-season wetting agent application will provide considerable benefits throughout the golf season by getting ahead of drought stress issues. Talk to your Advanced Turf rep about options for your course!