Even though it’s been a mild winter throughout the transition zone, many still are feeling the effects of cabin fever and are antsy to get back on the course. Early spring can be a hectic time with so many tasks needing to be completed, with limited access to getting out on the property due to wet soil conditions.

Let’s review some of the key spring applications that will make or break on how your season will go:

Summer Annual Pre-Emergent Herbicides

Have your crabgrass/goosegrass pre-emergent strategy ready to go. Regardless of the herbicide choice (Prodiamine, Dithiopyr, or Oxadiazon), pay close attention to soil temperatures and have your first application down prior to or right at soil temperatures reaching 55 degrees for a few consecutive days. Don’t forget the phenology signs such as the Forsythia bloom, which generally coincide with the adequate soil temperatures for crabgrass and goosegrass to begin germination. Local knowledge is, of course, the most valuable tool in determining the proper timing of pre-emergence herbicides.

Spring Cleanup of Bentgrass

If you haven’t made plans already, go ahead and prepare to throw together a combo of systemic and contact fungicides to “clean up” your bentgrass from any overwintering disease and also to stay ahead of any early spring inoculum that tends to come on. Preventive applications of fungicides are always best practice; let’s not wait to see the first signs of spring disease to begin our fungicide applications.

Pythium Root Dysfunction

Though this nasty disease doesn’t appear to the eye until early summer, the actual root infections begin to occur once soil temperatures reach approximately 54 degrees and higher. Please be prepared to make monthly applications of fungicides starting in the spring months to combat this. I like a rotation of several products to stay ahead of this, with my preferred choices being Insignia (Pyraclostrobin), Segway (Cyazofamid), and Zoxy 2F (Azoxystrobin). Be sure to water the application into the root zone with approximately .10 inch of water. Throwing in soil surfactants is also a great tank partner with these spring applications.

These are just a few examples of spring agronomic tasks that cannot be overlooked. Please don’t hesitate to have the conversation with your ATS Representative about confirming that your spring plan is complete and timing is correct. As always, we are here as a resource in your area.