Advanced Turf Solutions has 22 locations that proudly serve customers in 14 states. The warehouse in Wheeling, Illinois, is the newest addition to our family of facilities. It opened for business in February of this year and has been supplying the Chicago area since then.

ats team sitting in their office

The warehouse is managed by Roy Cranmer (facility manager) and Nelson Martinez (assistant facility manager), who have been with Advanced Turf Solutions for six years. The two have worked together for more than ten years through three different companies, and they are the longest-serving employees at this location. There are four others who round out the Wheeling team.

stacked pallets in warehouse

The 32,265 square-foot warehouse is well-stocked with solutions to whatever malady you may have — be it a weed, insect, or fungus problem. The team prides itself on its organization and delivery efficiency, while still managing to have some fun on the job. With a weekly tradition of grilling out together, the Wheeling employees truly embody the philosophy of “work hard, play hard.”

showroom with blue walls

The team is eager to welcome customers to the new facility in Wheeling. There’s an open house in the works for later this year, so stay tuned for details!