Winter is the time to complete those projects around your golf course that have simply been on the backburner through playing season. Now that daily maintenance programs have scaled back, you can devote time to less urgent—but no less important—projects around the course.

Depending on the weather, winter can be a good time to complete repairs or installations of irrigation or drainage systems. It’s also a good time to inspect your bunkers and consider renovating them if needed. Cart paths are another area that could probably use some extra attention in the off-season.

It’s a good idea to focus on trees and other landscaping around the course this time of year, too. Overgrown trees can inhibit the sunlight and air movement that turf needs to thrive. By keeping trees trimmed, you can improve turf health and overall course aesthetic. Similarly, trim back any overgrown shrubbery as you have time in the winter.

On the days that you don’t want to be outside, you can complete necessary equipment repairs and cleaning. Inspect and sharpen your mower blades so they’ll be ready to deliver a clean cut come spring. Also, spend time cleaning or replacing tee markers for the upcoming season. Are there any renovation projects inside the clubhouse that would impress members next season? Now could be the perfect time to knock those out.

Another good winter project is taking inventory of your whole maintenance facility. This will make it easier to plan your early order in the future. For example, if you order 160 bags of fertilizer and have eight left every year, then order 152 the following year. Keeping a spreadsheet of all products is useful for insurance purposes as well.

You probably have a few bags or jugs of product laying around that you haven’t used in several seasons. Look around your community and see if there’s anyone who could use the product as a donation. There’s a good chance that a local baseball, football, or soccer association would gladly take the product, and there might even be a tax deduction for your club.

Finally, enjoy some much-needed rest away from the golf course with family and friends this winter. Superintendents should use the off-season to reflect back on the tough year and try to reenergize for next season. The work-life balance is challenging for everyone, and the off-season provides a great opportunity to take a breath and regain some stability.