The trick-or-treaters have come and gone, and now all that’s left are some deflated Halloween decorations in your lawn. If you moved the inflatables around while they were up, the grass underneath may be just fine. But if your yard is looking worse for the wear after being adorned by blow-up monsters all month, we have some tips to help it recover.

First, help the grass stand tall again by gently raking the area where the inflatable was. Or use a leaf blower to achieve the same effect. This initial step will help the grass blades stand back up after being flattened under the creepy clown you used to scare the neighborhood kids last month. 

Depending on how your lawn fared from the Halloween festivities, it may benefit from being mowed after that giant ghost blow-up has been deflated. Mowing will remove any dead tips from the grass blades and make them healthier. Then they’ll be able to recover better from any damage they received during spooky season.

After you mow, consider watering your lawn to give it an extra boost. A product like Grow-In will also help your lawn recover from any stressful run-ins with blow-up decorations. Grow-In is ideal for recovery from abiotic stressors.

Now you can help your lawn bounce back after you put away those Halloween inflatables.