Hello everyone,

I wanted to share the remarkable results that we just uncovered out at the City Of Brentwood Parks and Rec. in Brentwood, TN on their Bermuda multi-purpose fields.

Below you will find two pictures, the first showing an overall pic of the three fields that we pulled soil profiles from comparing one field that was treated with Holganix and two that were not. The second picture shows a close-up of the two profiles pulled from field #2 along with one of the profiles pulled from field #9 (far right). If you can, I encourage you to zoom in and see the amount of fat, white, healthy roots along with multitudes of tiny root hairs that exist on the #9 sample compared to the two from field #2.

I’m sure most of you, like I would have done, have already scrolled down and looked at the pictures below before reading all of this. Therefore, I’m sure that everyone has deducted which two profiles came from the Holganix treated field. That’s right, field #2.

Oops, I mean field #9. Now that many of you just looked back for a second take, we’ll get down to the nitty gritty (Southern term, sorry!)  Enough of all of the games; lets talk about what the customer applied and didn’t apply in the case of fields #2 and 10.

All three fields were treated the same way as far as nutrients are concerned: approximately 3 lbs of N and small amounts of P and K. Field #9 received a total of 35 oz per 1000 sq ft of Holganix in 4 applications.

The first application was 14 oz per 1000 sq ft with the liquid lawn formula, Holganix Lawn Blend 66L CT, around the first of May. It is important to note that this application was made from an outside contractor whom, unfortunately, only applied approximately 15-20 gallons of water per acre. As we all know, this was a huge mistake and not only clogged their nozzles because of wrong nozzle sizing but also murdered many little “bugs in my jug” in the process. Poor fellows! Moral of this story, we don’t know how much good we really did with this application.

The remaining applications were made with their own spray equipment, and this time at the proper amounts of water and correct nozzles. The second application was at 7 oz per 1000 sq ft approximately one month later. The third was applied at the same rates and again, approx. one month later. The fourth and final was made with the 10-1-2 at the rate of 175 lb per acre, again approximately one month later.

We pulled these samples yesterday morning and washed all of the profiles the same way, trying to be as gentle as we could as to not compromise the root system. Upon the third rinse, you can see that the first 1-2 inches of the untreated fields, fields 2 and 10, was literally falling apart where the Holganix profiles, field 9, held onto the soil because of the extensive mass of root hairs present in the upper 2 inches of the profile.

Although they say “a picture is worth a thousand words” in this situation they don’t begin to tell the story at all. Guys, unless you actually go through this process first, you cannot begin to understand what this product did and can do for the overall health of these root systems.

For those of you that have exercised patience and have not scrolled down to peer at the photos, enjoy the pictures below. For the other 98% that have already looked at them several times, carefully analyze the pictures again and see just what this product has to offer. In one word, simply amazing! Well that’s two words, but if you know me at all, there’s no way I can say just one word.

Thanks for your time and please call or email with me with any questions.

Greg Johns
ATS Sales Representative

field soil comparison 2