Cool-season athletic fields are in use this fall. With field usage, divots will occur. To a certain point, a divot is good, as the turf will give way (divot) to displace the shear strength of the athlete’s lower leg/ankle. With that said, filling divots is a critical maintenance task to ensure turf coverage and provide a safe, playable surface. How do you build a divot mix for a native soil field? All it takes is a simple blend of 2-3 products.

First, place topsoil and peat (if available) on the grounds shop floor.

Next, add seed at a rate equal to the soil/peat blend. This is a lot of seed, but aggressive seeding rates are critical in high-traffic areas.

Blend all the materials with a shovel and place them in a bucket.

Finally, place the mixture in the bare area. Using some type of aerification before seeding is the best approach. In this case, a pitchfork provided the aerification.

Creating a seed bank in cool season athletic fields is critical to achieving 100% cover. Don’t be afraid to seed frequently.