Every time you turn around these days, it seems like there’s a new supply chain issue. This has no doubt affected us all in some way, and even the most-used herbicides in the world, glyphosate-based products, have given pain to the green industry. Whether that pain is from finding your product of choice or simply the pain in your wallet of paying the higher prices, it makes good sense to try and use these products to their fullest potential. Below you will find some proven techniques that can help you achieve just that. 

  1. Avoid spraying in colder weather. Cold slows everything down, including the processes which allow these products to work. 
  2. Use the lowest water volume allowed by the label. More concentrated solutions applied evenly tend to work more consistently. It’s not helpful to drown the weeds. 
  3. Try applying between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. No, herbicides don’t punch a clock—but this timeframe helps you avoid dew, which can inhibit control (see #2 above).
  4. Choose a sunny day rather than a cloudy day, if possible. The weeds will process the ingredients faster and more thoroughly.
  5. Avoid spraying dusty weeds. Dust can inactivate glyphosate, so either Swiffer your weeds or maybe wait a day after it rains. 
  6. Use the right surfactant, if even necessary. Product formulations vary, so the label will help you determine what, if any, to use. 
  7. Consider using ammonium sulfate (AMS), especially if hard water is pulled from a well. Even low rates of items like Delux can improve results.
  8. If tank-mixing, avoid excess contact herbicides (diquat and Scythe, for example) as they can be antagonistic to the translocation (getting the roots) of glyphosate items. 
  9. Consider adding a residual herbicide to the spray tank to keep additional weed flushes at bay and hopefully avoid reapplications. 
  10. Go after the small weeds with the lowest labeled rate the weed size allows.

However, “Go after the small weeds,” may be wishful thinking. With our labor situation, no doubt the weeds have become well established and may need higher rates on an initial application. Regardless, the above tips will make your war on weeds more effective and thus stretch your weed control dollars. 

Product suggestions are too numerous to mention, so do reach out to your local ATS representative for their experience. And as always, read and follow product labels.