In the northern regions of the country, we are always getting ready for some season. Whether it is putting patio furniture away or getting our cars checked out for winter, we have to prepare for the upcoming season. Your athletic field is no different. We need to prepare the field to handle the harsh conditions of the upcoming months.

Your turf areas should be aerated and overseeded. Topdressing may be necessary to level out uneven areas. It is also recommended that you do some type of deep soil relief once a year. The deep soil relief could include deep tine aeration to an earthquake-type implement. Make sure to penetrate the soil 8 to 10 inches in order to break up the hardpan, which can occur at the depth of normal core and solid tine aeration.

For baseball and softball diamonds, “putting your fields to bed ready for play,” can make a big difference on when you play your first game in the spring. This is a great time to remove lips, rebuild mounds, bullpens, batter’s boxes and edge all grass areas. Take this time to find and correct low spots on your infield clay areas. Be sure to cover your pitcher’s mounds and home plate areas to reduce erosion from the wind, rain, and snow. Doing this work in the fall can make spring preparation easier for you, especially, since spring weather can be unpredictable.

If you have a question, call your ATS representative. They will be happy to give you some guidance.