When it comes to creating a beautiful yard and garden, famous English novelist Rudyard Kipling said it best, “Gardens are not made by singing ‘Oh, how beautiful,’ and sitting in the shade.” This is especially true when faced with the task of revamping a yard that has been neglected for years. A total lawn and landscape makeover can be a huge project that takes time, but for instant enjoyment during the spring and summer months, here are some tips for refreshing the ornamental plants and working towards green, weed-free turf.

Start with a Soil Test

A soil test will give you a complete profile of the soil and show the amounts of nutrients and minerals. The soil analysis allows you to create a specialized nutrition plan with the correct fertilizers to rejuvenate the lawn.

Not sure where to get a soil test? Advanced Turf offers soil testing as well as assistance in selecting the products to reach your nutrition goals.

side view of large house with fresh green grass

side view of huge house with new landscaping

Tackle the Turf

A neglected lawn will be dull and full of weeds and will take a few years to fully recover from a nutrition deficiency. The most important thing is to aerate in the spring and fall and to fertilize five times a year.

To get rid of all the dandelions, clover, and other broad-leaf weeds, use a herbicide that won’t hurt the grass like Nufarm’s 4-Speed XT®. It’s a good general purpose herbicide that is sold in smaller sizes, perfect for home lawns.

Next, it’s time to plan a program. If you have irrigation, a good overseeding program is to aerate, overseed, then apply a good starter fertilizer like 16-28-12 with Armament. If you have hard clay soils, you can aerate, overseed, then apply Nature Safe 10-2-8. Another option with any new seeding is to use Foliar-Pak®’s Grow-In if you have at least a hose-in sprayer to water it in. The general routine is to keep the new seeds fed every 4 weeks with fertilizer and water.

Although fall is the best time to seed the lawn, you can begin an overseeding program in the spring. Just remember to keep the moisture level high so the new grass doesn’t die in the hot temperatures of summer. If you are looking for drought-tolerance, Advanced RTF is a great variety of tall fescue for areas with minimal irrigation. If you prefer bluegrass, a hardier option would be Advanced HGT coated with Armament.

close-up of bushes in the front yard

close-up of bushesBoost Ornamental Plants

For fertilizing ornamental plants, there are several options. Spreading 14-14-10 with Armament or Nature Safe 8-5-5 on the landscape beds will revitalize and nourish the flowers and shrubs. You can even use Foliar-Pak®’s Grow-In and water it into the plants as well as the lawn.

close up of a planted flower pot with purple flowers

close-up of welcome flower pot

three flower pots with beautiful flowers

Seven Tips for Instant Home Lawn and Landscape Curb Appeal

  1. Get rid of all weeds in the flower beds and around walkways.
  2. Remove all dead plants.
  3. For a fresh, modern look, remove all overgrown bushes and shrubs.
  4. Add a nice-colored mulch to the flower beds.
  5. Trim after mowing the lawn for a clean, finished look.
  6. Green is key! Make sure you are watering and fertilizing your lawn and garden.
  7. Plant annuals in pots or flower beds for seasonal pops of color.

If you need a soil test or any advice on fertilizers or grass seed, don’t hesitate to contact an ATS sales representative to help you with all your lawn and landscape needs!