Spruce spider mites are beginning to emerge. Do you know what they are and the damage they can cause? Let’s discuss them in more detail, so you will know if these pests are harming your trees.

Spruce spider mites, Oligonychus ununguis, are cold season spider mites, which means they are up and moving in the spring and fall when the weather is cooler. These little guys can cause a large amount of damage to spruce trees and other conifers, especially the dwarf Alberta spruce.

When spruce spider mites feed on confier and spruce needles, they are removing chlorophyll. The removal of chlorophyll causes yellow spots on the needles. As the feeding progresses and the infestation worsens, the needles will appear bronze in color or have a bronze tint. Premature needle drop could occur without intervention. Younger trees, like saplings, can be killed with continuous mite feedings.

To confirm spruce spider mites are causing damage, put a white piece of paper under a tree branch and tap the branch. If pinpoint, brown dots appear to be moving across the paper, there is a spruce spider mite infestation.

Treatment: Floramite, Shuttle, or TetraSan

spruce spider mite infographic