We all know that the most optimum timing for control of white grubs is early in the season. With some products, this can be as early as the first weeks of May. However, typical timing is mid-June to mid-July in most areas.

This year has been quite different with some of our geographies having had record rainfall in June and July. Because of these rainy conditions, some preventative applications could not be performed at the typical timing. I have been asked on more than one occasion this summer, “Is it too late for white grub control?” After doing some research, I found out some interesting data.

With an Imidacloprid product application, you receive the following percent of control:

Mid-June to mid-July applications: 98% Control
Mid-July to mid-August applications: 95% Control
Mid-August to early September applications: 85% Control

Even with the late application, 85% control is better than no control.

grub control on lawnYou should also consider using products that contain the active ingredient Clothiandin and the ArmorTech Guillotine product. Guillotine provides you with an option for both post and pre-egg hatch control. This is a great choice for control outside the optimum timing window.

Other products you may consider are Aloft SC and Aloft G. These products are also good choices if your white grub control applications were delayed for any reason this season.

To find the perfect match for your delayed grub control applications, consult your ATS sales representative. With several options available for post-egg hatch control, your rep will be able to come up with an application that will meet your control needs.