As a turf manager, the slowest time of the year seems to be winter, and this winter started early and has drug out way too long. I can remember just two years ago when we were mowing grass and playing golf in March; 2014 is a different story. Years like this present different challenges than a “normal year”. Our window to get projects done for the spring seems to close much faster than normal. We have pre-emergent to put down, flowerbeds to clean up, and broadleaf to spray. The list of jobs we have in front of us seems endless and it can be overwhelming.

Besides work, we have families at home that have also been cooped up all winter long. So among the many jobs you have to complete, don’t forget to take time to enjoy the spring. Take your family to the park on that first 70° day. Maybe sneak out and try to catch that first fish of the year, or just go for a bike ride and enjoy the fresh air. Break out the baseball gloves and have a catch; opening day is just around the corner. All of our springtime tasks will get done, they always do. Just take the time to enjoy this spring, because the winter weather is finally over…hopefully.