Recently, I was asked, “What is going on in the industry?”

That question could apply to a variety of topics in the green industry. Weather, environmental laws, new products, new technology, economic trends- the range seems endless. It could mean how the weather is affecting insects, fungi, and weeds. Or, what is the current status of proposed laws that can determine how golf course superintendents or lawn and landscape owners are allowed to operate? All of us in this industry should be aware of all issues that affect our ability to provide healthy turf and ornamentals in a safe, efficient, and profitable manner.

Each state has (or should have) organizations run by universities, golf course superintendents, or lawn and landscape owners to provide education and current news. Joining these organizations will allow you to be fully aware of what is going on in the industry.

There are many benefits for members. You will be able to attend seminars and meetings to continue to educate yourself to be a better steward of the green industry. You will meet people from all across your state, and these relationships will allow you to see how other companies and golf courses operate. The friendships you make will last a lifetime!

Advanced Turf Solutions has always supported and been actively involved in organizations that promote our industry. I have been honored to serve in two outstanding groups, the Indiana Professional Lawn & Landscape Association (IPLLA) and the Midwest Regional Turf Foundation (MRTF). The people I have met and the knowledge I have gained have helped me immensely over my thirty-one-year career.

To know “what is going on in the industry,” volunteer at these organizations, especially the younger generation! See firsthand how you can make a difference!

Below is a list of a few of the organizations in the Midwest. Be sure to search online or ask your colleagues about additional organizations for your profession.

Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA)
Sports Turf Managers Association (STMA)
Snow & Ice Management Association (SIMA)

Midwest Institute of Park Executives (MIPE)

Midwest Association of Golf Course Superintendents (MAGCS)
Northwest Illinois GCSAA (NWIGCSAA)
Central Illinois GCSAA (CIGCSA) 
Illinois Landscape Contractors Association (ILPA)

Midwest Regional Turf Foundation (MRTF) 
Indiana Professional Lawn & Landscape Association (IPLLA) 
Indiana GCSAA (Indiana GCSAA)
Hoosier Chapter GCSAA 
Green Industry Alliance (GIA)
Indiana STMA
Indiana Park and Recreation Association (IPRA)

Kentucky Turfgrass Council (KTC)
Bluegrass GCSA 

Michigan GCSA (MiGCSA)
Michigan Turfgrass Foundation (MTF)

Mississippi Valley GCSAA (MVGCSA)
Missouri Green Industry Alliance (MoGIA)

Northern Ohio GCSA (NOGCSA) 
Central Ohio GCSA (COGCSA) 
Ohio Turfgrass Foundation (OTF)
Ohio Landscape Association (OLA)

Greater Pittsburgh GCSAA (GPGCSA)
Pennsylvania Turfgrass Council

Tennessee GCSAA 
Tennessee Turfgrass Association
Tennessee Valley STMA (TVSTMA)

Wisconsin GCSA (WGCSA)
Wisconsin Sod Producers Association (WSPA)