Great relationships are the backbone of success for Advanced Turf Solutions (ATS). By developing a deep trust and rapport with their customers, our two “spotlight” sales employees have created great relationships, which have been the driving forces for their success each year. Tom Fox and Aaron Bucci, two of our veteran sales reps, are successful, not only because they have thorough product knowledge and exceptional technical expertise, but because they have a unique ability to make every customer feel valued. They care and have earned the trust necessary for creating partnerships with their customers. Meet Tom and Aaron. two unique, successful salespeople representing ATS well!

tom smiling for portrait

Tom Fox, Employee Since 2006

Tom is an Agronomist/Sales Representative for ATS, working in the turf and ornamental industry as well as the sports turf industry. He has over fourteen years experience as a distributor in the turf industry and over 30 years experience as a practicing agronomist in the green industry.

Why did you decide to go into the turf industry?
After graduating from Purdue Agronomy, I began my career (8 years) as a Reclamation Specialist for a surface coal mining operation in Southwestern Indiana. I always enjoyed turf management and accepted a golf course management position. I have been involved in the turf industry since then.

What motivates you to work hard?
To stay employed is a good start! However, I do enjoy the consulting and agronomic portion of my job the most. I also enjoy helping my customers succeed. Every time a customer succeeds, I succeed! That is enough.

Who has had the most influence in your life?
In my work life, it was my boss and mentor with the surface mining industry. I was fresh out of college and basically knew very little about the working world. He taught me the ‘ropes.’

If money was not an object, what would you do with your time?
I would always be growing things! It is what I do.

What is one thing many people do not know about you?
I initially went to college to become a dentist, at IU no less!


aaron headshot

Aaron Bucci, Employee Since 2010

Aaron is an ATS Sales Representative, who also has operations and management responsibilities. He has over twenty years experience in the green industry, working in sales, distribution, and lawn care operation.

Why did you decide to go into the turf industry?
I actually stumbled my way into the industry 20+ years ago. Since then, I have found that I continue to stumble into things quite regularly.

What do you enjoy most about your job?
I enjoy the relationships that I have built over the years with my customers. I am a people pleaser, so becoming a trusted source of information and helping to provide exceptional service is personally very satisfying.

What are you grateful for?
I am grateful to have been given the opportunity to work here at Advanced Turf. We are an organization that truly values both our customers and our employees.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
I would want to be able to teleport instantly, anywhere. If I could do that, I would be able to get all of my work done by 11AM, instead of having to work all the way until 1PM.

What would be the title of your biography?
No One Likes a Smart Grass-The Life and Times of a Sarcastic Salesman