Without question, Advanced Turf’s greatest resource is our staff. With 20 locations and a presence in 10 states, it’s fair to say hiring and retaining quality staff is key to company success. With the unemployment rate at its lowest level since 2001 (4.1%), it does present challenges for employee retention and recruitment. Understanding these challenges, I would like to express appreciation for our current staff, as each member plays a vital role in our success.

While ATS continues to grow, I’m pleased to share we’ve maintained our small company feel. Here are a few ways I believe have contributed to this accomplishment.

Welcome to the Team

New employees are introduced to the entire company by the HR Department, and phone calls are personally made to welcome them to ATS.

group of men playing cornhall

Communication and Team Building

Communication and team building can be difficult when distance is a factor, so we conduct annual sales and operations meetings, where we get together for training and team building. It’s also a time to recognize staff achievement with awards.

Pat Kelley smiling while holding his award

Mentoring and Training

Staff evaluations, mentoring opportunities and out-sourced training sessions are essential parts of career development. We also believe in identifying and cultivating staff for manager positions to support company growth.

inside view of sales meeting

Camaraderie is important, particularly to our CEO Alex Cannon and President Vic Garcia. They set the example as both are available to any employee for a call or in-person conversation. Each of us is dependent on our team for continued success.

It’s a great practice to thank your staff and show them your appreciation. Continued challenges will remain to hire and retain employees, so it makes sense for us to value those who have joined ATS, and if you are interested in joining our team, please visit our careers page to see if there is an opportunity for you!