Using a wetting agent is an effective way for superintendents to make their course’s water work for them. Enter HydroPak Aqueous, an effective infiltration surfactant that helps water move through the soil.

What is an Infiltration Surfactant?

An infiltration surfactant is a product that breaks through the soil surface, helping move water down through the soil profile. These products help reduce evaporation and runoff and also move water through the root zone.

What is HydroPak Aqueous?

HydroPak Aqueous is a straight infiltration surfactant that reduces water’s surface tension, moves water through and into the root zone, and improves water quality. It contains a proprietary blend of alkyl polyglucoside esters and salts of carboxylic acid that work together to provide quick water infiltration, reducing the risk of runoff and standing water on the course. It also features a low use rate of one-half ounce to one ounce per thousand square feet. Aqueous can be injected through irrigation systems or sprayed. See Aqueous’ label for more information on injection and spray applications.

How Can HydroPak Aqueous be Used?

There are plenty of use cases for Aqueous on golf courses. We’ll cover four of the biggest ones.

On Compact or Tight Soil

On golf courses, managing localized dry spots (LDS) becomes crucial during the summer months when heat and stress are at their peak. LDS issues often stem from factors like soil compaction, slopes, thatch, and water repellency—all of which keep water from getting to the root zone. On sloped areas, this issue is exacerbated since water tends to run off instead of infiltrate. Heavy thatch can also cause standing water on the surface—another factor keeping water from moving down to where it needs to be. Aqueous will penetrate the soil, reducing the water’s surface tension and helping it move into the root zone and profile. Aqueous will provide between two and four weeks of coverage, depending on the application rate.

To Improve Cart Traffic

When adding irrigation heads or installing drainage systems is not feasible, wetting agents like Aqueous can help superintendents improve cart traffic. Getting water off the surface and into the soil will make traveling around the course easier and can even mitigate cart damage when stress and compaction are severe.

Preventing Crown Hydration

To mitigate the risk of winterkill due to crown hydration, golf course superintendents should adopt several preventative practices as the season transitions from fall to winter. 

  1. Apply low-nitrogen, high-potassium fertilizers in late fall to prepare the turf. 
  2. Aerate with solid tines to remove excess surface moisture.
  3. Modify surface contours to prevent water retention in low-lying areas.

In addition to the above, including a low rate of a penetrant like Aqueous in the season’s final spray application can help reduce surface tension.

Assisting Irrigation Water

Aqueous incorporates a built-in water conditioner that is specifically designed to address common pH and bicarbonate issues in irrigation water on golf courses. Applying Aqueous can help improve the performance of pH-sensitive products.

For more information on Aqueous and how it can be used, reach out to your ATS rep. Don’t have a rep yet or forgot their name? Find them using our rep finder tool.