Although it appears that salt supply is adequate at the beginning of this season, you may not get all the salt when you need it thanks to the issues with trucking as well as the closure of a salt mine in Louisiana. I always think it is a good idea to make your salt go as far as it can and do the best job possible with the least amount needed. This is where treating your salt with liquid de-icers can come in handy.

There are a number of products on the market for treating salt. They usually contain one or more of the following ingredients: magnesium chloride, calcium chloride, sodium chloride, organics like sugar beet juice or distiller solids, corn sweeteners, and proprietary additives to enhance sticking to the salt or activation in cold weather. These additives can make your salt work at lower temperatures, reduce bounce and scatter when applied, and work quicker. Most importantly, you should be able to reduce your salt output by a minimum of 25% and possibly as much as 50%, depending on conditions.

To treat your salt, you can layer it out on the ground and spray the liquid de-icer over it and then mix it back up. Another option is to use the mashed potato and gravy method. Just pile the salt up, make a hole in the middle where you will put the liquid, and then mix the outside salt into the middle until blended well. Use rates for these products are usually 3-6 gallons/ton of salt.

Advanced Turf Solutions is handling a calcium chloride-based liquid product called SOS-C, which contains dye and sticking agents to make it adhere better to the salt. It can reduce your salt needs and enhance performance.

Give us a call if you want to take advantage of this salt-saving technology!