Advanced Turf Solutions has 22 locations that proudly serve customers in 14 states. Nashville is the only location in Tennessee and has stayed busy serving the state since 2012.

The Nashville facility relocated in 2020 to a building just down the road from its previous location. The new warehouse is 9,500 square feet plus 1,500 square feet of showroom and office space.

interior of showroom with products


The operations employees and sales representatives in Nashville are deeply committed to their customers’ success. Each team member makes an effort to build relationships with their customers and provide them with second-to-none service. “We want customers to enjoy doing business with us,” said Facility Manager Andrew Heller. 

And at the end of the day, they enjoy working with each other too. The Nashville team has a fun, friendly culture that extends from the service counter to truck deliveries well beyond the warehouse walls.

Read on to meet the two operations employees who make it all happen in the Nashville facility.

Andrew HellerAndrew Heller
Facility Manager
Employee since 2013

Andrew Heller started as a driver in early 2013 and became assistant facility manager later that year. In 2016, he transitioned to the role of facility manager.

Andrew is from Shipshewana, Indiana. He moved to Nashville to attend college for massage therapy. During college, he was exposed to the green industry by a job at a local golf course. As a member of the grounds crew, he gained experience in the numerous responsibilities that go into turf maintenance.

After college, Andrew decided to return to the golf course instead of pursuing a career in massage therapy. He heard about ATS from a sales rep that called on the course where he was working at the time. The job sounded like a natural fit, as he had always enjoyed warehouse and distribution work. Nine years later, Andrew says he still likes the work. He also appreciates the relationships he’s built with coworkers and customers.

When Andrew’s not at the warehouse, he enjoys woodworking, playing board games, and watching Titans football. He and his wife have an eight-year-old daughter. Andrew’s parents also moved from Northern Indiana to Nashville, so he’s grateful for the time he gets to spend with them as well.

Bobby ParkerBobby Parker
Employee since 2013

Bobby started as a driver about six months after Andrew in 2013. He had worked at an agriculture co-op and then spent eleven years driving for a grass seed company before coming to ATS. His previous experience prepared him well, though he was amazed at the number and variety of chemicals available in the turf industry.

Bobby was born and raised in Nashville, Tennessee. All of his family still lives in the area, and he and his wife have a 23-year-old daughter. They also have a yellow Lab named Daisy, who was supposed to be a duck dog but opted for a career as a couch dog instead.

Bobby describes his job as “not just a driving job.” It involves building relationships with his customers, chatting about common interests like fishing and football. He’s on a first-name basis with many customers. Aside from the customers, Bobby is motivated by his coworkers and the camaraderie they share. From Andrew to the sales representatives, everyone on the Nashville team has close relationships with each other.

Outside of work, Bobby is an avid fisherman. He’s done deep-sea fishing in the Gulf of Mexico in addition to some tournament fishing. He’s also a fan of the Titans, University of Tennessee football, and Predators hockey.