Advanced Turf’s tagline is “Smart Service Solutions,” and the two ladies featured in this month’s Employee Spotlight have portrayed this idea throughout their careers with ATS. Both ladies have used their intellects to take on challenging new roles, maintained a high level of service as leaders, and produced solutions by making the tasks in those new roles successful. Let’s meet the two ladies, who portray our tagline so well: Christine Able and Christina Wright.


chrstine headshot Christine Able, Employee Since 2009
Salt Inventory Manager/Assistant Warehouse Manager, Florence, KY

Christine is a vital member of the Florence, Kentucky, warehouse. Last fall, she took on the new role of Assistant Facility Manager for Florence, where she assists with the day-to-day operations (managing inventory, coordinating orders and deliveries). She is also the key point person for ATS’s bulk salt business and has been since that part of our business began. Her role includes being directly involved in the bulk processing, purchasing, and distribution. In addition, Christine manages 100% of ATS’s Unilock business by herself; overseeing all Unilock orders and business for our reps.

What is your favorite part of your job?
“The fast-paced busy seasons. Bulk salt season and the spring really keep me on my toes and challenge me to do my best work quickly and accurately.”

What would you say has been your proudest accomplishment, while working at ATS?
“My ability to develop relationships with vendors, truck drivers and customers to maintain an efficient operation during snow events. During bulk salt season, turnaround time is sometimes within 24 hours and 100 loads may need to be delivered in one day. Being able to communicate with the drivers and customers is key. When you start off the morning, it may feel like it all cannot be done, but after the delivery has been made and customers say thank you, it feels great to be able to say you accomplished that hard task.”

What inspires you?
“My family and, especially, my 4 nephews. While they are still little guys, I want to be a good model for them when they get older. I want them to know they can come to me when they need help or advice and I will do my best to help them.”

What makes you laugh the most?
“My coworkers. We are all goofy. No one around here really has a bad day because you can count on one of your coworkers to make you laugh and put a smile on your face.”

chrstina wright headshot

Christina Wright, Employee Since 2010
Operations Support, Fishers, IN

Christina has the great ability to get along with everyone, which has made her a fantastic point person for the implementation of a new business software program. Christina took on this new role when we switched to Great Plains and was first tasked with checking the functionality of the system. As the implementation continued, she became one of the main point people for her colleagues when questions needed answered and training needed obtained. In addition to assisting with the software implementation, Christina does order entry and monitors inventory accounts for 5 warehouses. She also oversees the Holganix equipment sales sheet and the tonnage report, and makes sure the fertilizers are registered correctly.

What is your favorite part of your job?
“Employee camaraderie. Everyone works together to satify customers’ problems and needs, and we all genuinely like each other.”

What would you say has been your proudest accomplishment while working at ATS?
“My proudest accomplishment has been taking on a new and challenging role within the company. I was recently asked to take on a new role, which involved helping integrate Great Plains into the company. It’s been challenging, but definitely worth the experience.”

What inspires you?
“My 3 beautiful boys: Noah, Brandon, and Cooper. They are just awesome and it will be an exciting privledge to watch them grow.”

If you could choose anything to do for a day, what would it be?
“I would want to take my boys to Disneyland and watch their faces light up when they see their favorite character.