While some baseball and softball fields continue to host tournaments after the end of spring season, many can reduce maintenance practices for the summer. If your field won’t be in use again until fall, you can implement different midsummer maintenance practices. Your goal should be to keep the field in shape and to do so as efficiently as possible.

You can get away with less dragging and mowing if your field isn’t hosting summer tournaments. The reduced maintenance will actually be a good break for your field through the hot summer months. Both the infield skin and the turf areas can manage with less maintenance in the summer.

Instead of dragging the infield multiple times a week, control weeds by applying Ranger Pro and Flumishield SC. A mixture of Ranger Pro and Flumishield allows for a longer window of control.

When it comes to the turf areas of your field, it’s still necessary to manage moisture and fertility in the summer. However, you can reduce the frequency of mowing and raise the height of cut to help the grass survive the heat of the summer. You’ll save yourself some hours in the sun that way, too.

Once teams are back on the field in the fall, resume your regular dragging and mowing practices. You should start slowly lowering your mowing height back down as fall ball approaches to ensure you can return it to playing height without removing too much of the plant in one cut.