In the suburbs of Cleveland, Ohio, a family business called Yards Done Right has been helping homeowners with their lawns and landscaping since 2011. 

Started by Jim and Judy Beveridge as a lawn care company, Yards Done Right later added tree and shrub care services to their offerings. Today, they pride themselves on being a full-service lawn care and landscaping company. Their customers appreciate having just one company handle all of their lawn care and landscaping needs. 

Jim’s customers trust him because of the relationships they have with him. He’s been in the green industry since he started working for a landscaping company at 14 years old. That first job sparked the passion that still inspires Jim today. He went on to earn a horticulture degree from Ohio State University. 

Having owned his own business in the past, Jim knew he enjoyed the freedom of being his own boss. That independent spirit combined with his passion for the industry to produce Yards Done Right. However, starting that business wasn’t without its challenges.

“The biggest challenge of starting our business was securing enough capital and credit to finance purchases of equipment and materials,” Jim said. It was a hurdle he had to overcome so the business could be what it is today.

“My typical day starts around 9 a.m. and includes spraying lawns, trees, and shrubs for roughly seven hours,” Jim said. Refilling the truck and printing invoices for the following day usually fill in the rest of his schedule. 

Adding tree and shrub services was an exciting milestone for Yards Done Right, and Jim has seen success from being a “one-stop-shop” lawn care company.

As for how to add arborist services to a lawn care company, Jim has some advice: “Look into courses offered by the International Society of Arboriculture or a community college offering these types of courses.” He warns against jumping into a new service before you know what you’re doing. 

For that reason, Jim recommends a phased approach to expansion. You could “add tree and shrub fertilization, insect and disease control services first, then look into pruning, tree trimming, and removal down the road,” he said. Lastly, be sure that your insurance will cover any new services you add!