For a lush, green lawn all summer long, proper mowing and watering techniques are essential. Find out if you know all the do’s and don’ts of summer mowing and watering.

Summer Mowing Do’s

  • Do mow when the grass is dry and the sun is not directly overhead.
  • Do mulch clippings to return nutrients to the soil.
  • Do sharpen mowing blades every three months if the lawn is 1/2 acre or less in size.
  • Do change the mowing pattern every so often. Switch between horizontal, vertical, and diagonal.
  • Do follow the correct mowing height suggestions. Higher mowed grass will have long, deeper roots that will be able to find moisture during the hottest days.

Mowing Height Guide

Summer Mowing Don’ts

  • Don’t cut the grass too short! Mowing cool season grass too short will result in shallow roots.
  • Don’t cut more than a third of the grass blade at one cutting. If the lawn gets too tall, break it down into multiple cuts with about three days in between.
  • Don’t leave clumps of grass on the turf. The clumps will block the light and turn the area yellow.
  • Don’t mow in the hottest part of the day or when the grass is wet.
  • Don’t mow if the turf is showing signs of stress like wilting, footprinting, or has a dark, bluish cast.
  • Don’t mow with dull blades. Dull blades will rip the grass and make it susceptible to disease and insect feeding.
  • Don’t mow in the same pattern or wheel tracks will wear into the lawn.

after moving lawn on hot summer daySummer Watering Do’s

  • Do water the lawn early in the day to reduce water evaporation.
  • Do make sure the lawn receives 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week through irrigation or rainfall.
  • Do allow the turf to dry in the afternoon to prevent fungus.

Summer Watering Don’ts

  • Don’t water every day. Water deeper and less often to allow the roots to grow.