New Product Announcement Foliar-Pak CSi

May 07, 2015
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We are proud to announce the newest product in the Foliar-Pak lineup. Foliar-Pak CSi is a truly unique silicon product, offering 25% bio-available, plant-derived silicon in opaline form delivered with a plant-derived carbon carrier.

Silicon is often deficient in the sand based soils and highly disturbed urban soils where we often grow turfgrass. Foliar-Pak CSi delivers silicon in a form that plants can immediately recognize and use. Plants depend on Silicon to strengthen cell walls and increase cuticle thickness. This results in more upright growth, better quality of cut and increased greenspeeds. Turf will also exhibit better wear tolerance and lower disease incidence

Most Si products are formulated as K or Ca silicates, forms of silicon that are ineffective foliar products. These molecules are small enough to be plant available, but the truth is that these silicates quickly polymerize, especially as the pH decreases. They drop out of solution in the spay tank and become unavailable to the plant. For this reason, traditional silicon products have limited immediate impact on the plant, even if they are highly concentrated. Silicon is often deficient in the sand based soils and highly disturbed urban soils in which we often grow turfgrass. Foliar-Pak CSi delivers silicon in a form that plants can immediately recognize and use. Plants depend on Silicon to strengthen cell walls and increase cuticle thickness. This results in more upright growth, better quality of cut and increased greenspeeds. Turf will also exhibit better wear tolerance and lower disease incidence.

Foliar-Pak CSi is truly unique. Using various carbon compounds, we can stabilize the silicate molecule across a wide range of pH conditions. Our Si does not polymerize. What this means is that CSi is the only silicon product on the market that remains truly available from a foliar uptake perspective.


Foliar-Pak and CSi are trademarks of Advanced Turf Solutions, Inc.

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