Now that we have all survived another year, it’s hard not to look back on the last year and reflect a little.  And for those of you who are turf managers, that reflection on 2011 will probably take place with a scowl on your face and a bitter taste in your mouth.  Let’s face it:  For those of you whose livelihood relies on the ability to grow and maintain fine turf areas, the last year provided many substantial challenges to your profession.  An economy still searching for momentum, extreme weather patterns and shrinking maintenance budgets all conspired to make 2011 a year many of you will remember for some time to come…but one you’d like to soon forget.

For most of us, challenges such as the ones we experienced in 2011 often lead to elevated levels of stress in the workplace.  Green industry occupations can be stressful:  Long work hours, seasonal workload demands, labor issues and working outdoors against Mother Nature are all constant issues.  2011 seemed to take these factors up to a whole new level.  The result for many of you:  Even more stress at work.

Research shows that 40-45% of adults in the US make a New Year’s Resolution each year.  As we wave “goodbye” to 2011 and say “hello” to 2012, I have some helpful suggestions for turf managers to help reduce workplace stress for the upcoming year.  I hope some of you can incorporate these tips into YOUR New Year’s Resolution and stick with them throughout the season.  Stress CAN be managed!

  • Accept that stress is part of life
  • Keep a positive attitude
  • Clearly define home and work responsibilities
  • Manage time wisely
  • Set realistic goals
  • Learn to relax
  • Get plenty of sleep
  • Eat well-balanced meals
  • Develop an exercise program

These links have some great info and tips on workplace stress and how to manage it:

Happy New Year!!

Let’s all make 2012 a year to remember, both professionally and personally!!