Now Offering Barvette HGT, Barenbrug’s Newest Kentucky Bluegrass Variety

Advanced Turf Solutions is excited to offer our customers Barenbrug USA’s newest Kentucky bluegrass variety, Barvette HGT.  HGT stands for Healthy Grass Technology, a tough and disease resistant Kentucky bluegrass.  Barvette HGT was developed in harsh climatic conditions, specifically to withstand diseases, pests and traffic.

  • Sumer patch, a common foe of Kentucky bluegrass, won’t faze HGT
  • Barette HGT not only tolerates traffic, it also recovers quickly from traffic damage that does occur
  • Spring green-up, a challenge for most Kentucky bluegrasses, is early with HGT
  • NTEP tests acknowledge Barvette HGT for it’s high tolerance to grubs and bugs
  • Barette HGT, like all our Barenbrug varieties, is YellowJacket coated and will germinate in as little as seven day

To learn more about Barenbrug’s newest variety, Barvette HGT, CLICK HERE!