During past few weeks I have received numerous calls on straw colored “stems” in lawns, especially after mowing. The culprit is perennial ryegrass seedheads. Seedhead production requires energy from the plant so it is likely the turf will not only look stemmy due to the seed stalks, but the turfgrass may even thin out.

Does this picture look familiar?

Consider a fertilizer application following the seedhead flush to help the turf recover. Keep the mower blade sharp and don’t lower the mowing height to try and remove seedheads.

Click on the articles below for some more great information:

Turfgrass Seed Head Production by Andrew Hoiberg, Ph.D., Calcium Products research manager. Calcium Product Incorporated, June 20, 2013.

Perennial Ryegrass Seedheads: Now and Later by Aaron Patton, Turfgrass Extension Specialist. Purdue Turf Tips, June 12, 2013.

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