This year Precision introduced two new soil wetting agents, Vivax and Alypso. Both are new chemistries in the turf market.

Vivax is the only wetting agent containing four active ingredients – two hydration ingredients and two infiltration ingredients. Vivax has been researched at Universities for four years and has proven better results in both correcting localized dry spot and providing uniform soil moisture. Additionally, Vivax was field-tested at 12 courses around the country, further demonstrating its performance under typical use applications. Side-by-side comparisons in Indiana and Ohio have shown better results than the major competitive wetting agents.


Sycamore Hills Country Club in Fort Wayne, Indiana hosted the PGA tour in August. They used Vivax this summer with great results. The greens were firm throughout the tournament. The above photo was taken on Monday of the week of the tournament. Despite having had 9 inches of rain over the weekend, the greens maintained a firm surface.

They commented that soil moisture varied only 1/2 of a percent across their greens during the tournament. They also used a moisture meter with both 1.5 and 3-inch prongs, measuring volumetric water content during the summer. At the 1.5-inch depth moisture content was averaging around 12%, while at the 3-inch depth moisture was averaging around 18%. This demonstrated a firm surface while keeping uniform moisture in the root zone.

The use rate of Vivax is 5 ounces per 1000 square feet per month. It does not have to be watered in immediately, so it can be tank mixed with other products, saving additional applications. Obviously, as with all wetting agents, it should be watered in later that day to get it into the soil.

Alypso is the other new wetting agent that is an infiltration product and is also new chemistry. It has shown quicker, more uniform penetration than other products in that category. A unique aspect of Alypso is that it is a plant based active ingredient. This means it is considered organic and is a great partner to Holganix and other bio-stimulants as well as other products that benefit by being washed in.

At a 1 pint per acre per month rate, Alypso is a concentrated, highly effective soil penetrant. Superintendents have seen not only uniform water movement off of the surface, but they also saw a greening up effect after using Alypso. This was documented in University tests at Virginia Tech as well. Soil penetrants help courses manage water infiltration in both wet and dry years by getting dry soils to accept water and helping excessive rainfall soak in quicker. One superintendent noted that after a 2-inch rain he would have normally had to restrict carts for a couple days, but after using Alypso he was able to get carts back on fairways by noon the next day.

Contact your Advanced Turf rep about these two exciting products.

Chip Houmes
Precision Labs