As summer approaches, one of the most effective ways to prepare turf for environmental stress is by devising a sound foliar fertility program.  Research has shown that small consistent foliar fertilizer applications result in more consistent growth and putting green conditions.  Controlled growth and fewer flushes of growth also result in better carbohydrate conservation.  We all want that for our turf.

summer stress testBiostimulant components, for many reasons, should weigh heavily into your foliar fertility choices.  For one, they improve the efficacy of tank mix products.  L-amino acids will increase uptake of fungicides, growth regulators and nutrients, so the plant can better use them.  L-amino acids also improve health aspects related to pesticide use.  They improve stress tolerance mechanisms and metabolic processes resulting in a stronger healthier plant able to utilize PGR’s pesticides and nutrients more effectively.

Positive health effects of L-amino acids along with seaweed extracts, and humic acids have been widely documented in research studies.  Better tolerance to heat, drought and saline conditions along with better rooting are just a few advantages that these components supply when provided to the plant in proper dosages.  And by the way, EnP goes to great lengths to ensure that Foliar Pak products are precisely formulated.  Foliar Pak products are designed to provide balanced nutrition along with levels of biostimulants that are known to help the plant function more effectively(see results below).

So when you are looking to maximize your foliar program, think Foliar Pak.  Your Advanced Turf Solutions Rep can provide a very effective program using fewer products than you might think is necessary.  Complete nutrition, better use of tank mix components and the biostimulant kick for summer stress protection all at a reasonable price.

Curt Geron
Guest Blogger
EnP Turf Sales Representative