A good portion of the ATS geography is currently experiencing changing colors, falling leaves, cooler temperatures, and shorter days . . . all signs that Old Man Winter will be arriving soon. With this comes the closing of the 2022 golf season. Golf course superintendents will soon be strategizing and executing winter preparation plans to ensure their putting surfaces are prepared to properly weather a long winter. The goals of these plans will be to have putting greens as healthy as possible and properly hardened off to handle Old Man Winter. By doing so, you can set yourself up for a successful spring.

As these plans commence, the focus will be on building carbohydrate reserves and strengthening the plant as putting surfaces naturally harden off with the weather changes. During this time period, it’s helpful to make two applications, a couple of weeks apart, of the Foliar-Pak Fall Foliar Program on your putting surfaces to get them ready for a long winter’s rest. This foliar application combination consists of: 

Below is a picture after spraying this combination.

close-up of lawn


Through this application, you are providing plant energy, building proteins, providing carbohydrates, improving carbohydrate storage, and strengthening the plant. Ultimately, this application helps your putting surfaces to properly harden off and handle the upcoming winter temperature swings and stresses that they will soon experience. 

In the coming weeks, as you begin the process of preparing your golf courses for winter in your regions, do not hesitate to reach out to your Advanced Turf Solutions sales representatives with questions or concerns. We wish everyone good luck as we close out another successful golf season and prepare for a successful 2023 season!