Fall is a great time of year, and as it returns, so do its annual rituals. Many enjoy football season being back in full swing.  Nature’s beauty shines as the landscape transforms into a rainbow of colors. Apple cider, doughnuts, pumpkin pie, and other baked goodies tease the senses. Professionally, many are targeting the end of the current season and looking forward to a slowdown before the next season begins.

Product manufacturers see fall a little differently. They see the arrival of fall as an opportunity to capture end-of-the-year business while incentivizing purchases for the following calendar year. As of October 1, there are at least 13 different manufacturer early order programs. That doesn’t include separate programs offered by distributors like Advanced Turf Solutions. Is your head starting to hurt and your stomach getting twisted in a knot trying to keep track of it all? It is a lot to process and digest, so I thought we’d take a few moments to discuss ways to make the process more manageable and profitable.

First, prepare your mind.

With all the stress involved in finishing the last quarter of the season, many just don’t want to think about the next season and the possible uncertainty it brings. We simply want to survive today and deal with tomorrow’s challenges tomorrow. While this mindset is common and needed at times, it also erases the opportunities available when you look and plan ahead.

Second, see the programs as an opportunity rather than an impediment.

Every business can use product discounts/rebates and extended terms to leverage someone else’s money to benefit their checkbook. Whether taking a rebate early, using a rebate to pay for future invoices, or simply taking extended payment terms to assist with cash flow, use manufacturers’ money to make yours go farther. As my grandfather said, “Watch the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves.”

Third, dig in.

Our Advanced Turf Solutions website is a great starting point. Visit this webpage dedicated solely to early order programs:  https://www.advancedturf.com/early-order-programs/. Search by business category to narrow the list, then look for the manufacturers of products you currently use and see what they offer.

Fourth, phone a friend.

Schedule a coffee break or lunch meeting with your Advanced Turf Solutions representative. During this meeting, talk about successes and challenges with products and services. Discuss areas of possible growth. Use this information to cherry-pick which manufacturer programs support your company’s direction. Also, consider connecting with other business owners to learn how they use early order programs.

Lastly, just do it!

There will always be unknowns that you can use to justify not participating in early order programs: weather, number of customers, employees, financial security, etc. Unless you won’t be in business in 2024, you’ll need products next spring to perform services. So, even if you looked at 75% of your upcoming needs, I’m sure there is a program or two that will make financial and operational sense.

So, enjoy everything the fall season offers, including extra money in your bank account because of early order savings.